Setting up Your Business in the Community of Forest Hills
Forest Hills, a wonderful residential community, is an even more wonderful place to have business. The central shopping district of Austin Street is filled with high-end shops and professional services offices. In the heart of Forest Hills, Austin Street is near multiple subway lines, ample parking, the Long Island Railroad, and buses not only servicing Queens, but also running express directly to Manhattan.
The best commercial space on Austin Street is owned and operated by the Forest Hills Property Group. Our retail stores are in triple A locations. We own the two major buildings on 71st Ave. /Continental Avenue and Austin Street. These locations are in the geographical and economic center of Forest Hills and the buildings are impeccably maintained.
To see a list of our available properties for lease or rent browse the section on our website under available space, or feel free to contact us directly by calling us (718) 793-0103 or filling out the form on the contact us page.
There is truly no better place to conduct business in Queens.